Euro Stoxx 50 Streaming Real-Time Daily and Historical Chart (Line, Candlestick, Bar, P&F)
Real-Time streaming chart of Euro Stoxx 50 Index with adjustable line type, time frame/period, and optional technical indicators is available here.
One Month/ Hourly Bar
Euro Stoxx 50 for Last Month
12 months/ Daily Line
Euro Stoxx 50 for Last 12 Months
5 Years/ Weekly Candle
Euro Stoxx 50 for Last 5 Years
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Real-time streaming chart (Euro Stoxx 50) can be customized. You can change the time period (1 minute, 10 minute, 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week), time frame (from 10 to 500 time periods), chart type (bar, candle, line, P&F) or change/add technical indicator (Volume, RSI, MACD, Stohastic, Momentum and others); just move your mouse over the chart and notice the Options button in the right top corner of the chart. Click on this button and then adapt the settings according to your needs in the drop menu. You can also Detach the chart in a separate window and zoom it or even make it full-screen.
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About Euro Stoxx 50 Index
The Euro Stoxx organization was launched in 1998 by Deutsche Borse AG and SIX Group AG as a form of advance preparation for the impending economic unification of Europe. The soundness of this foresight on part of the organization's management can well be appreciated by acknowledging the success with which the Euro Stoxx indices have met subsequent to their introduction, the dominance of the Euro and the formation of the Eurozone. Over a period of time this stock indices have been licensed to more than 400 companies around the globe under different trading categories like Exchange Traded Funds, Futures & Options, passive investments and structured products. Apart from its dominance in the ETF segment, this index has come to play an equally seminal role in the derivatives segment in which it occupies the number 1 position in Europe and the number three position in the world.
An overview of the organization's chart reveals that the Euro Stoxx 50 index has been undergoing constant growth since its inception due to which it has gradually acquired the role of a global index rather than being limited to a certain economic zone. Its role as an international index involves an extensive coverage of the trading markets from all over the world and cultivation, maintenance and distribution of reliable and rule based indices.

Denoted by the symbol SX5E and commonly referred to as the Blue chip index of the Eurozone, the Euro Stoxx 50 covers 50 equity stocks from 12 European countries. This index is calculated on a real time basis and it is operational between 9 a.m. in the morning till 6 p.m. in the evening Eurozone time. A study of the chart reveals that the index has been facing a downward bearish phase ever since the onset of recession in Europe and there is virtually no remaining hint of the high note at which it had started at the time of its launch. However, investors need to keep the fact in mind that this trend has arrived after a prolonged bullish phase and is likely to wear out soon since this index is one of the most stable indexes in the world.
The Euro Stoxx 50 index is the only trading index which is not country specific but region specific and therefore is relatively immune to fluctuations as compared to other stock markets around the globe. Not only is it free from internal disturbances but from political instabilities in countries other than the Eurozone as well, one of the few influential factors being oil prices and existing relations between the member nations and the Gulf countries.
All members of the index are required to adhere to the guidelines specified in the Stoxx index guide and these mostly pertain to rules concerning the development, calculation, review and adjustment of the stock values included in the family. The guidelines are based on the principles of objectivity, reliability and transparency so as to make the act of decision making simple and straightforward for investors.
The entire Euro Stoxx index family is divided into a number of indices due to its sheer size which is inclusive of markets in Europe, Eurozone and Eastern Europe and these indices are broadly categorized into Fixed component Benchmark indices and Variable component indices. The indices are also classified as per the different headings namely size, style, strategy, theme, blue chip, benchmark and so on and each individual index has its own chart which depicts its movement. Therefore, while investing in this index, since it is not physically possible for the investor to follow all the charts he should select the ones which suit his trading requirements in the best possible manner and follow the movements.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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