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About CAC 40 Index
In the name CAC 40 index, the term CAC stands for Continuous Assisted Quotation, which was the earliest automation system used by the Paris Bourse for facilitating stock market trading. Serving as the benchmark stock market index of French Euronext Paris, the base value of the CAC 40 was established at 1000 on 31st December, 1987, and over a period of time this market index has evolved itself in terms of reputation to be counted amongst some of the renowned European indices like Brussels BEL20, Lisbon's PSI20 and Amsterdam's AEX. Although the basic model of the CAC 40 has been based on that of the American Dow Jones, the similarity ends there as unlike the Dow which is a price weighted index, the CAC 40 is based on the fundamentals of market capitalization.
The CAC 40 index features 40 of the most significant stocks amongst the leading 100 market cap names listed with the Paris Bourse and since its launch in 1987, the index employed a method of complete market capitalization as a system of weighting. This was subsequently changed on 1st December, 2003, when this index adopted a free-float approach to market cap which is rounded to whichever turns out to be the following multiple of 5%. The components of this index are subject to be reviewed on a quarterly basis and the prospective date of review is fixed two weeks after the meeting of the Conseil Scientifique. The calculation frequency of the index is at a gap of 15 seconds and its annual review, except under exceptional circumstances, is usually held in September.

While the daily management of the CAC 40 index is carried out by the indices of the Euronext, the rules and regulations pertaining to selection as well as the overall supervision is the responsibility of the governing body which calls itself the Conseil Scientifique. It is this council which selects the 40 stocks to be represented in the index on the basis of their turnover as well as their capitalization in terms of free-float adjustment. As a result, this index is inclusive of shares of organizations which are listed with Euronext Paris and use it as their main market for reference or firms which may not belong to the above category but may still be eligible. This eligibility may be acquired if the particular organization has been historically included in the indices, features sizeable trading volumes in Paris pertaining to the derivative products or maintains a significant presence in France either as a prominent commercial entity or as a major employer.
On observing the graph of the CAC 40 stock market index charted over the last 17 years, one would realize that this index maintained a somewhat stable performance close to its base level from its date of establishment in 1987 till about 1995 and only started climbing subsequently. The bullish phase thus began continued for the next 5 years and resulted in the index touching its all time pinnacle in September, 2000. This was immediately followed by the downslide which marked the beginning of the bearish phase due to a number of factors, the most prominent among them being the bursting of the dot com bubble and the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US. After having touched its all time low value, the index experienced a recovery phase which although short lived was sufficiently close to its peak at the turn of the century. However, the CAC 40 has again snapped into a bearish phase since then and after having exhibited a downward trend for the last three years, the year 2010 has been the harbinger of better things to come for the stocks of this index.
As per the market data pertaining to July, 2010, as of last month the CAC 40 ranked 17th in the list of 23 indexes which has been a definite improvement as compared to a ranking of 19th during the previous year when the world worst performing index was the Nikkei 225. However, the ranking of the CAC 40 over the last 5 years is surely far from assuring as it was considered as being the worst performing index and its record over the last 10 years has also been a cause of concern since it ranked 20th in a list of 23 indexes with the worst performing index being the NASDAQ 100.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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