Free Forex Charts Online - Live Real-Time Streaming and Historical of Major Currency Pairs
Long, mid and short-term live real-time streaming free Forex charts for major currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, and NZD/USD.
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Free forex charts form a part of the technical analysis tool kit pertaining to the forex trade market and could be described as graphical representations depicting the movement of one or more currencies over a fixed duration of time which might range from being a part of the day to the seven days of the week. Being a part of forex signals, these charts are closely studied by traders as they are the first to reflect and manifest any pattern, deviation or abnormality in the price action of the particular currency pair. There are various types of free forex charts some of the most common ones being the real time forex charts, flash charts, currency charts, forex streaming charts, live forex charts and multiple forex streaming charts.

As you might already know, Forex market is the biggest financial market in the world. Value of most important currencies drives the world economy. If you look for example EUR/USD currency pair, which is obviously the most traded FX pair, it doesn't look that different if the exchange rate is 1.40 or 1.41. But this is an significant difference for national account balances. Lower value of domestic currency increases export potential, while it makes imported commodities more expensive at the same time. One of the most important roles of national monetary systems is to determine the right policy, which is mostly done by influencing the key interest rate and related exchange rate. This policy depends on whether the country is net importer or exporter.
In times like we are living at the moment, when global economic slowdown is present for longer time, with recessions and huge unemployment, countries and economic unions try to protect their domestic interests on several different ways. One of the possible ways to do it is also by fixing value of domestic currency on a desired level. This is something done by Chinese for longer time now. Many countries and economists claim how undervalued Yuan is, but this is the main reason for great Chinese export, so they stick to it and will also do it in the future, as long as the international pressure will not be to strong, and benefits of low currency value will not be so obvious anymore. On the other site with latest economic problems in U.S. and Euro Zone, investors' start buying Swiss Franc aggressively and pushing its value to all-time highs. Swiss central bank reacted soon, pushing Franc's value down again. What we would like to say is that things are more controlled and regulated that one would think. You might hear and read about free trade economies, where markets should regulated demand and supply, but the truth is far away. That is also one of the major reasons why trading Forex can be a very risky business.
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