Google Stock Price (GOOG) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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About Google (GOOG)
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Google is an American multinational corporation, which was established by two PhD students of Stanford University in 1998. Although it was basically meant to serve as a search engine, over a period of time it has diversified into a number of different Internet-based products and services aimed towards meeting global challenges while maintaining unique user friendliness. Some of its prominent innovations include Gmail, which is a free webmail service, Google Translate which offers 35 different translation options, Google Chrome, an open-source web browser, Google News which compiles news without any human intervention and Google+, a social networking site.
Ever since its inception, Google has been a consistent contributor to the various sections of society and its philanthropic efforts have encompassed a variety of organizations ranging from NGOs' and non-profit to highly successful corporate houses. A review in 2009 revealed the positive impact which grant-funding had and this provided enough motivation to the company to engage itself in engineering projects while entrusting the charity work to Google Foundation. Having been ranked as the most visited website on the Internet, its visitor's tally crossed the 1 billion mark as of May, 2011.
Much of the revenue earned by the company comes from its advertising programs namely AdWords and AdSense wherein the advertisers earn through the cost-per-click and cost-per-view schemes. Currently located in Mountain View, California, Google's latest venture is an attempt to advertise its own products and to this effect it has launched Demo Slam wherein participants are required to create videos depicting Google's technology in never-thought-of-before contexts.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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