McDonalds Stock Price (MCD) - Buy or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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About McDonald's Corporation (MCD)
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French fries, Big Mac, chicken nuggets, egg muffins - when the founder of this company began to sell these in what was the first restaurant in its time offering 'speedy service system' in 1940, little did he realize that it was the beginning of the most popular fast food chain in the world. McDonald's Corporation is the largest chain of fast food restaurants in the world and enjoys a prominent presence in as many as 119 countries.
Being a global food service retailer, it selects a franchise or an affiliate who is responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the restaurant and pays to the company a royalty, rent or fees along with certain percentage of sales. Although this accounts for the main revenue of the company, income is accrued through company owned joints as well which form a small fraction of the total number of outlets. In fact as a company McDonald's takes pride in claiming that most of its restaurants the world over are managed by independent entrepreneurs.
One can visit a McDonald's restaurant for a snack, a full meal or even a breakfast menu and apart from food items a customer would receive on his tray beverages of choice, desserts and snacks. While the traditional food items served at this joint are burgers of various types, French fries and breakfast items, in an effort to keep in step with the changing times, nowadays, sandwiches, salads and wraps of various types have also been introduced. Likewise in addition to soft drinks and shakes, smoothies and fruits are also served bearing in mind the growing health concerns.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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