Kraft Foods Stock (KFT) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More

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Wed, 21 Mar 2012 - By

KFT Technical Analysis

Blue line signals more probable scenario, while grey line signals less probable one.


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About Kraft Foods Inc (KFT)

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When you are walking down the aisle of a grocery store and filling up your cart with monthly requisites, it is but inevitable for you to be surrounded by products manufactured by Kraft Foods Inc. which is an American conglomerate specializing in food, beverage and confectionery. Ever since it was founded in 1923, Kraft has ardently adhered to the policy of preparing edibles which would foster good and positive feeling amongst their consumers. Therefore, irrespective of whether you are celebrating, trying to lose weight, snacking or sitting down in anticipation of a wholesome meal, Kraft is the key which will make all the difference in your world.

Kraft is not just concerned with manufacturing packaged foods but looks after the marketing aspect as well and siphons most of its products to large grocery and supermarket chains, wholesalers, merchandisers, distributors, convenience stores, retail outlets, gasoline stations and so on. While the snack section features biscuits, cookies, salted snacks and crackers under the brands Oreo, LU and Nabisco, cheese is sold under Philadelphia and Kraft and coffee is famous as Jacobs and Maxwell House.

Thinking of chocolates invariably brings to mind the globally loved brand Cadbury and it is one of Kraft's products along with another chocolate brand named Milka. Other confectionary brands include Trident gum and prepackaged desserts in small portions while branded meats are offered under Oscar Meyer brand.

One of the characteristics of this company which sets it apart from the rest is its belief in simplicity which is maintained in all its products as also its strategies and techniques.


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