Walt Disney Stock (DIS) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
We provide latest analysis of Walt Disney stock (DIS), news, chart, discussions, experts' opinions and more for this worldwide entertainment company.
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Mon, 26 Mar 2012 - By Godmode-Trader.de
Blue line signals more probable scenario, while grey line signals less probable one.
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About Walt Disney Company (DIS)
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It was in the entertainment sector that Walt Disney Company started out in 1923 and soon established itself as an undisputed leader in the field of animation by providing creative and qualitative family entertainment. At present it functions as a global media conglomerate and through its many subsidiaries has diversified into television, travel, theatre, radio, production of live-action movies and online media.
Voted simultaneously as being the most admired companies in the world in entertainment and topping the charts in the media entertainment category, the Walt Disney family operates through its following five main business arms.
Walt Disney studio. Walt Disney Motion Picture Group is the largest and most popular studio in Hollywood and its main task is to produce and acquire live-action as well as animated motion pictures. Its additional scope of work includes making musical recordings, organizing live stage plays and direct-to-video programming.
Disney Interactive Media Group. This segment is responsible for creation and delivery of the Disney brand in terms of entertainment and lifestyle content across interactive media platforms. Maintaining a prominent online presence, Disney Mobile and Playdom are additional tasks which come under its purview.
Media Network. Everything related to the company's functioning in television and radio like broadcast, production, distribution and digital operations comes under the jurisdiction of this department as also all aspects related to animated television programming.
Parks and resorts. Disney owns and operates many theme parks, water parks, resorts and hotels all over the world and is upheld in this segment for its innovative concepts, designs and attractions.
Disney consumer products. Apart from ensuring the publishing of Disney books and magazines, this department licenses Disney characters and awards manufacturers, publishers, retailers and show promoters with literary rights.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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