Boeing Stock Price (BA) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
The Boeing Company is next to EADS (Airbus) the biggest aerospace company. Here you can find trading and investing related information for this stock.
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Mon, 02 Apr 2012 - By
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About Boeing Co (BA)
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Named after its founder William E. Boeing, as a company Boeing is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world and its client list includes NASA, defense services, commercial airlines and global buyers spread over as many as 150 countries around the world. Ever since it was established in 1916 as an aerospace and Defense Corporation, the name Boeing has been synonymous with innovation and leadership wherein it has always endeavored to improve and expand its product line.
While leadership in the commercial airline segment has been gained through cognizance of emerging trends and creation of new and more efficient units, for defense the objective is achieved by integrating military platforms, systems and war-fighters through operations which are network-centric in nature. Over the years, this company has broadened its capabilities through creation of advanced technology solutions which can seamlessly merge different business units, provision of connectivity on moving platforms and making financial arrangements for its clients.
The multiple business units within the company are Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Boeing Defense, Space and Security, Boeing Capital, Boeing Shared Services Group and Engineering, Operations and Technology. When the total value of orders, deliveries and revenue earned by all the individual units is taken cumulatively, the resultant figure makes Boeing the largest in its category within the country and third largest in the world. It is courtesy of this diverse, talented and innovative workforce that Boeing has recently sealed an agreement with Space Florida to build space shuttles for carrying people and cargo into space.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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