Alcoa Stock Price (AA) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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Thu, 12 Apr 2012 - By
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About Alcoa Inc. (AA)
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Alcoa, an acronym for the Aluminum Company of America, is not just the third largest producer of aluminum in the world but is also one of the biggest employment providers through its formidable global presence in 31 countries. Ever since its establishment 120 years ago in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this company has been ahead of its competitors in most of the aluminum based industries like aeronautics, automobiles, building and construction, packaging, electronics and manufacturing sector.
While production of fabricated aluminum, primary aluminum and alumina combined remains the main activity of the company, handling this metal accounts for lion's share of Alcoa's annual revenue. The company is pro-active in all its aspects like mining, refining, recycling, fabricating, smelting and its application in technology. Over a period of time it has diversified into certain non-aluminum products as well, the prominent amongst them being precision castings, aerospace and industrial fasteners and building products.
Since it realized the developing global trends, the new millennium has been witness to this company's expansion beyond its geographical boundaries to countries like China, Ghana, Iceland, Australia and Russia. In United Kingdom, it operates through two facilities of which one has ceased to be functional, its larger buildings being leased out to local businesses.
Although commercially successful, Alcoa's tryst with environment has always been a question mark as this organization has been brought to the book time and again by law enforcement agencies for causing different types of pollution. It is also held indirectly responsible for the mass destruction of the Amazon rain-forests and the subsequent displacement of many of its indigenous inhabitants in Brazil for the sake of pursuing its construction interests.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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