Chevron Stock (CVX) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
Thinking of buying Chevron stock? Check latest news, chart, quotes, discussions, technical analysis and price forecast for this petroleum company.
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Tue, 10 Apr 2012 - By
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About Chevron (CVX)
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Being a major energy-producing organization in the world, Chevron operates on the principle that it is human energy which is the ultimate and when harnessed to its full potential, it is capable of producing many different forms of energy. Ranked as one of the six 'supermajor' global oil companies, it is involved in every aspect related to oil right from exploration and production to refining, marketing and power generation.
Chevron operates through two segments - upstream and downstream, and each has its specific area of jurisdiction. While in the upstream segment, crude oil and natural gas are explored, developed and finally put under production. Subsequently they are made to undergo processing, liquefaction and degasification in case of liquefied natural gas. Both forms of energy are then transported through pipelines and their storage and marketing is also looked after. There are times when conversion of gas to liquid and vice versa is required and the responsibility to ensure smooth conduct of this procedure lies with the upstream department.
Crude oil in its natural form is of no use and needs to be refined so that it can then be converted into various petroleum products and satisfy energy needs all over the world. This task of refining followed by transportation and marketing of the refined products is performed by the downstream segment. Depending on the distance over which these products are to be transported, the chosen mode may be a pipeline, motor equipment, rail car or a sea-faring vessel. Some of the inclusions in the list are petrochemicals, fuels, lubricant additives and plastics meant for industrial use.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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