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About Adobe Systems Incorporated (ADBE)
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Mention creativity and the first name which comes to mind is that of Adobe in its various forms irrespective of whether it is a tablet PC, online gaming, video, website or an e-magazine. Innovation has been the driving force in Adobe Systems Incorporated and it has enabled the company to establish itself as a leader in the quest for solutions which blend creation of digital media with improved communication and successful marketing strategies.
Products of this company can be categorized as being either core technologies or flagship products and while the former includes Adobe Postscript, PDF, Adobe Reader and Adobe AIR, the latter comprises mostly of digital media. Commencing with its first introduction of Adobe Creative Suite in 2003, the product line now boasts of programs like Digital Publishing, Flex, InDesign, Flash, Acrobat, Photoshop and Premier Pro. Then there is a separate entity named Digital Marketing Segment which features Digital Marketing Suite and Connect.
There are various segments within the company which focus on different aspects of operations and subjects like web designing, graphics and animation are classified under the creative solutions segment. It is the enterprise segment which provides solutions to private and government organizations, the Omniture segment which consists of analytics and products for online optimization and platform segment which offers most of the Adobe developer technologies. Some of the other segments are print and publishing and knowledge worker segment which consists of all the products of Acrobat family.
Distribution of products occurs through a global network of distributors, independent vendors, resellers and manufacturers in addition to online sales facilitated by the company's website.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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