Yahoo Stock Price (YHOO) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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Tue, 03 Apr 2012 - By
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About Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO)
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Being one of the most visited as also the most trusted Internet destinations, Yahoo Inc is a name which is synonymous with communication, sharing of content, advertising and using innovative solutions in more than 30 languages. The company achieves its objectives through a list of products and services featuring web portal, search engine, directory, mail, news, answers, video sharing and social media.
Yahoo facilitates communication through mail and messenger services while community forums include groups, answers, Flickr and Connected TV. Courtesy of this easy social networking, people the world over are able to share knowledge, images as also the latest developments all of which add to their personal and commercial growth.
Search products are divided into search and local and are meant to satisfy the inquisitive streak in users. Irrespective of the type of content the user might be looking for it is just a question of navigating through the site and discover the information pertaining to the query. Commercial services are provided through shopping, travel, real estate, autos and small businesses wherein users with common interests can log on and connect, exchange information and contact details with others.
There is a media section as well featuring almost all categories ranging from latest news and home page to finance, lifestyle, entertainment, sports and so on. Pulse and Contributor Network designed by Yahoo are meant to keep the users occupied with various types of content and services found on the Internet. Advertising, marketing and commercial transactions are also facilitated through these products.
For third party developers, advertisers and publishers Yahoo provides software packages and platforms aimed towards expansion and progress of their personal and commercial networks.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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