Hewlett Packard Stock (HPQ) - Buy, Hold, Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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Last Trading Idea Based on Technical Analysis
Thu, 12 Apr 2012 - By Godmode-Trader.de
Blue line signals more probable scenario, while grey line signals less probable one.
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About Hewlett Packard Co (HPQ)
Official Website:

Hewlett-Packard, popularly referred to by its acronym HP, is a leading America info-tech firm which provides computer related solutions to a variety of sectors, the prominent amongst them being heath, education and government. What began as a backyard enterprise in a one-car garage is now a global multinational firm with a presence in almost every country and a vast product-line to suit people from almost every walk of life.
In order to make management easier as also to ensure quality control, the company has divided its products into various categories with much of the technology and consultation related infrastructure, application and commercial processes being put under the services branch. Likewise, storage, standard servers and business critical products are placed under the storage and server category.
It is for its computer related products that HP is recognized all over the world and while its software segment provides management, information and intelligence solutions, its PCs', workstations, handheld computer devices, calculators and their related accessories for various markets are looked after by the Personal Systems Group. There is an imaging and printing branch as well which offers all possible supplies and solutions related to printers and scanners.
Some of the other sectors into which HP has ventured into are finances and network infrastructure and the former consists of leasing and utility programs, asset management services, specialized services to corporate, educational and government institutions. The latter features many brand names and smartphones and is responsible for licensing its technology to third parties as well.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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