ATT Stock (T) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Analysis, Strategies, Discussions, and More
AT&T (ATT stock, NYSE:T) is a global telecommunications services company. Find chart, news and investing related information about this stock here.
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About AT&T Inc (T)
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AT&T Inc. is a multinational telecommunication giant which believes in connecting people all over the world by providing them with high quality products and services and creating innovative solutions for the fields of communication and entertainment. Reliability has been one of the primary slogans of the company since its inception and is evident not only in its technological applications but through its customer care and strategies as well.
One of the most popular segments of AT&T is that of wireless communication services which is broad enough to include long distance, local as well as roaming communication. Apart from handsets, wireless is effectively applied in computers, data cards, hands-free devices, battery chargers and carrying cases. Referred to as mobile and fixed telephony, the company provides subscription television services as well in addition to these.
In complete contrast to this is the wireline segment which has a more elaborate inventory beginning with local and long distance voice services and moving on to include calling card, conference calling, caller id, call waiting and voice mail services. Various types of data services, provision of high speed connectivity, broadband, Wi-Fi products and business voice applications also come under the jurisdiction of this department.
Services are mostly advertised through yellow and white-page directories, online advertising through the Internet and local search network. Wireless products are mostly sold through company owned stores, subsidiaries or third party stores at a worldwide scale. Some of the common fields which buy these products are that of security, integration services, application management, equipment for customer premises, outsourcing and satellite video services.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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