3M Stock Price (MMM) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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Wed, 28 Mar 2012 - By Godmode-Trader.de
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About 3M Company (MMM)
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3M is one of the American conglomerates which enjoy a presence in more than 60 countries around the world as a provider of technology encompassing six varied segments. This global multinational giant is a prime example of diversification wherein it offers as many as 55,000 products which can be purchased directly from the company or through its numerous distributors and retailers spread over as many as 200 countries around the world. Given the hi-tech era, the option of online purchase is obviously available as well.
The organization uses its consumer and office business segment to supply products which ensure health and hygiene within homes and organization within the office. Brands offered by this segment are Scotch-Brite, O-Cel-O, Nexcare and Command and their main objective is to facilitate internal as also external maintenance of buildings.
Based on the powerful technology platform established by 3M is its Displays and Graphics segment wherein products like attractive graphics, projection systems, reflective materials and films which enhance display are provided. Then there are high performance electronic devices, telecommunications network and sources of electric power which are offered under the electro and communications segment.
Over the years 3M has established itself as a global leader in the healthcare segment by providing products related to medical and oral care, health information systems and assurance of drug delivery all of which are innovation and reliability personified. For industrial and transportation sector, the inventory list includes abrasives, adhesives, tapes and filtration based and specialized systems meant to facilitate a variety of processes ranging from automotive and aerospace to green energy.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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