Johnson and Johnson Stock (JNJ) - Buy or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More

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About Johnson and Johnson Stock (JNJ)

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A household name in the healthcare sector, Johnson & Johnson is an American pharmaceutical giant which has been successfully employing science and research since its inception in 1886 to introduce innovative products and services meant for improving the health and well being of people. The core activities of the company can be divided into three categories namely consumer health, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing of medical devices and diagnostics - in case of the first, the company occupies the sixth position, in case of the second it is ranked eight while in case of the third it is an undisputed leader.

Some of the well known consumer products offered by Johnson & Johnson are bandages with Band-Aid being a brand in itself, skin care and beauty care in form of Neutrogena, Clean & Clear face wash and various types of creams and oral care in form of Listerine mouthwash. There are many over-the-counter products as well related to women's wellness and health like Stayfree, Carefree and so on.

One of the principle products of the pharmaceutical department is Remicade for treatment of inflammatory diseases while other prominent inclusions in the list are Stelara meant for psoriasis treatment, Simponi for different types of arthritis and Velcade for treatment of myeloma. This company also manufactures and supplies drugs related to serious conditions like AIDS, bipolar disorder and RBC production.

Products under medical devices and diagnostics section are concerned with management of circulatory disease, reconstruction of orthopaedic joint, spinal care, surgical care and insulin delivery. Sports medicines and products concerned with health and aesthetic aspects come under this category as well.

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