Stock Market Symbols - Market Identification Codes (MIC) for Global Exchanges

You can find a list of worldwide stock exchanges on this website, together with the stock market symbols (Market Identification Codes - MIC).

Almost every data provider or broker uses different stock market symbols today, even though an International Standard (ISO 10383) specifies a universal method of identifying exchanges, trading platforms and regulated or non-regulated markets as sources of prices and related information in order to facilitate automated processing.

On this site, you can find a list of worldwide stock exchanges along with MIC stock market symbols. Direct links to official exchanges websites are also available behind the Institution Description column. If you are looking for more information about structural changes in global stock markets in last decade, please visit Stock Market Today website.

MIC Stock Market Symbols

Country MIC Institution Description City
Albania XTIR Tirana Stock Exchange Tirana
Algeria XALG Algiers Stock Exchange Algiers
Argentina BACE Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange Buenos Aires
Argentina BCFS Bolsa De Comercio De Santa Fe Santa Fe
Argentina MVCX Mercado De Valores De Corboda Cordoba
Argentina ROFX Rosario Future Exchange - ROFEX Rosario
Argentina XA1X A1 Buenos Aires
Argentina XBCC Bolsa De Comercio De Corboda Cordoba
Argentina XBCM Bolsa De Commercio De Mendoza S.A. Mendoza
Argentina XBCX Mercado De Valores De Mendoza Mendoza
Argentina XBUE Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Buenos Aires
Argentina XCNF Bolsa De Comercio Confederada S.A. - BCC Corrientes
Argentina XMAB Mercado Abierto Electronico S.A. - MAE Buenos Aires
Argentina XMEV Mercado De Valores De Buenos Aires S.A. - MERVAL Buenos Aires
Argentina XMTB Mercado A Termino De Buenos Aires S.A. - MAT Buenos Aires
Argentina XMVL Mercado De Valores Del Litoral Santa Fe
Argentina XROS Bolsa De Comercio Rosario - ROFEX Rosario
Argentina XROX Mercado De Valores De Rosario - ROFEX Rosario
Argentina XTUC Nueva Bolsa De Comercio De Tucuman S.A. Tucuman
Armenia XARM Armenian Stock Exchange - ARMEX Yerevan
Australia AWBX Australian Wheat Board - AWB Melbourne
Australia AWEX Australian Wool Exchange - AWEX Lane Cove
Australia CHIA Chi-X Australia Sydney
Australia NSXB Bendigo Stock Exchange Limited - BSX Melbourne
Australia XASX Australian Securities Exchange Limited - ASX Sydney
Australia XNEC National Stock Exchange Of Australia Limited - NSXA Newcastle
Australia XSFE Asx - Sydney Futures Exchange Limited - SFE Sydney
Australia XYIE Yieldbroker Pty Ltd Sydney
Austria EXAA Austrian Energy Exchange - EXAA Vienna
Austria WBAH Wiener Boerse Ag Amtlicher Handel (Official Market) Vienna
Austria WBDM Wiener Boerse Ag Dritter Markt (Third Market) Vienna
Austria WBGF Wiener Boerse Ag Geregelter Freiverkehr
(Semi-Official Market)
Austria XWBO Wiener Boerse Ag Vienna
Azerbaijan BSEX Baku Stock Exchange Baku
Azerbaijan XIBE Baku Interbank Currency Exchange Baku
Bahamas XBAA Bahamas International Securities Exchange - BISX Nasau
Bahrain XBAH Bahrain Stock Exchange - BSE Manama
Bangladesh XCHG Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. - CSE Chittagong
Bangladesh XDHA Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd - DSE Dhaka
Barbados XBAB Barbados Stock Exchange - BSE Bridgetown
Belarus BCSE Belarus Currency And Stock Exchange - BCSE Minsk
Belgium ALXB Nyse Euronext - Alternext Brussels Brussels
Belgium BLPX Belgian Power Exchange - BLPX Brussels
Belgium BMTS Mts Belgium Brussels
Belgium ENXB Nyse Euronext - Easy Next Brussels
Belgium FRRF Fonds Des Rentes / Rentenfonds Brussels
Belgium MLXB Nyse Euronext - Marche Libre Brussels Brussels
Belgium MTSD Mts Denmark Brussels
Belgium MTSF Mts Finland Brussels
Belgium TNLB Nyse Euronext - Trading Facility Brussels Brussels
Belgium VPXB Nyse Euronext - Ventes Publiques Brussels Brussels
Belgium XBRD Nyse Euronext - Euronext Brussels - Derivatives Brussels
Belgium XBRU Nyse Euronext - Euronext Brussels Brussels
Bermuda XBDA Bermuda Stock Exchange Ltd - BSX Hamilton
Bolivia XBOL Bolsa Boliviana De Valores S.A. La Paz
Bosnia (BIH) XBLB Banja Luka Stock Exchange Banja Luka
Bosnia (BIH) XSSE Sarajevo Stock Exchange - SASE Sarajevo
Botswana XBOT Botswana Stock Exchange Gaborono
Brazil BVMF Bm&Fbovespa S.A.
- Bolsa De Valores, Mercadorias E Futuros
Sao Paulo
Brazil CETI Cetip Sa - Balcao Organizado De Ativos E Derivativos Rio De Janeiro
Bulgaria XBUL Bulgarian Stock Exchange - BSE Sofia
Cameroon XDSX Douala Stock Exchange Douala
Canada CANX Cannex Financial Exchange Lts - CANNEX Toronto
Canada CHIC Chi-X Canada Ats Toronto
Canada MATN Match Now Toronto
Canada NGXC Natural Gas Exchange - NGX Calgary
Canada OMGA Omega Ats Toronto
Canada PURE Pure Trading Toronto
Canada XATS Alpha Ats Toronto
Canada XBBK Perimeter Financial Corp. - Blockbook Ats Toronto
Canada XCNQ Canadian National Stock Exchange - CNSX Toronto
Canada XMOC Montreal Climate Exchange Montreal
Canada XMOD The Montreal Exchange / Bourse De Montreal - CDE Montreal
Canada XTNX Tsx Venture Exchange - Nex - NEX Vancouver
Canada XTSE Toronto Stock Exchange - TSX Toronto
Canada XTSX Tsx Venture Exchange - TSX-V Toronto
Canada XWCE Intercontinental Exchange - Ice Futures Canada - ICE Winnipeg
Cape Verde XBVC Cape Verde Stock Exchange - BVC Praia
Cayman Islands XCAY Cayman Islands Stock Exchange Georgetown
Chile XBCL La Bolsa Electronica De Chile - BOLCHILE Santiago
Chile XSGO Santiago Stock Exchange Santiago
China CCFX China Financial Futures Exchange Shanghai
China SGEX Shanghai Gold Exchange - SGE Shanghai
China XCFE China Foreign Exchange Trade System - CFETS Shanghai
China XDCE Dalian Commodity Exchange - DCE Dalian
China XSGE Shanghai Futures Exchange - SHFE Shanghai
China XSHE Shenzhen Stock Exchange Shenzhen
China XSHG Shanghai Stock Exchange Shanghai
China XZCE Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange - ZCE Zhengzhou
Colombia XBOG Bolsa De Valores De Colombia - BVC Bogota
Costa Rica XBNV Bolsa Nacional De Valores, S.A. - BNV San Jose
Croatia XTRZ Zagreb Money And Short Term Securities Market Inc Zagreb
Croatia XZAG Zagreb Stock Exchange Zagreb
Croatia XZAM The Zagreb Stock Exchange Mtf Zagreb
Cyprus XCYO Cyprus Stock Exchange - Otc Nicosia (Lefkosia)
Cyprus XCYS Cyprus Stock Exchange - CSE Nicosia (Lefkosia)
Cyprus XECM Mtf - Cyprus Exchange Nicosia
Czech Republic SPAD Spad Trading Prague
Czech Republic XPRA Prague Stock Exchange - PSE Prague
Czech Republic XPXE Power Exchange Central Europe - PXE Prague
Czech Republic XRMO Rm-System Czech Stock Exchange (Mtf) - RMS CZ Prague
Czech Republic XRMZ Rm-System Czech Stock Exchange - RMS CZ Prague
Denmark DAMP Danish Authorised Market Place Ltd. - Dansk AMP Copenhagen
Denmark DKTC Dansk Otc Horsens
Denmark XCSE Omx Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S Copenhagen
Denmark XFND First North Denmark Copenhagen
Dominican Rep. XBVR Bolsa De Valores De La Republica Dominicana Sa. St Domingo
Ecuador XGUA Guayaquil Stock Exchange Guayaquil
Ecuador XQUI Quito Stock Exchange Quito
Egypt XCAI Egyptian Exchange - CASE Cairo
El Salvador XSVA El Salvador Stock Exchange El Salvador
Estonia FNEE First North Estonia Tallinn
Estonia XTAL Nasdaq Omx Tallinn Tallinn
Fiji XSPS South Pacific Stock Exchange - SPSE Suva
Finland FNFI First North Finland Helsinki
Finland XHEL Omx Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy Helsinki
France ALXP Nyse Euronext - Alternext Paris Paris
France EPEX Epex Spot Se Paris
France FMTS Mts France Sas Paris
France XAFR Alternativa France Paris
France XBLN Bluenext - Mtf Paris
France XMAT Euronext Paris Matif Paris
France XMLI Nyse Euronext - Marche Libre Paris Paris
France XMON Euronext Paris Monep Paris
France XPAR Nyse Euronext - Euronext Paris Paris
France XPOW Powernext Paris
Georgia XGSE Georgia Stock Exchange - GSE Tbilisi
Germany 360T 360t Frankfurt
Germany BERA Boerse Berlin - Regulierter Markt Berlin
Germany BERB Boerse Berlin - Freiverkher Berlin
Germany DBOX Deutsche Bank Off Exchange Trading Frankfurt
Germany DUSA Boerse Duesseldorf - Regulierter Markt Duesseldorf
Germany DUSB Boerse Duesseldorf - Freiverkehr Duesseldorf
Germany DUSC Boerse Duesseldorf - Quotrix - Regulierter Markt Duesseldorf
Germany DUSD Boerse Duesseldorf - Quotrix Mtf Duesseldorf
Germany ECAG Eurex Clearing Ag Frankfurt
Germany EQTA Boerse Berlin Equiduct Trading - Regulierter Markt Berlin
Germany EQTB Boerse Berlin Equiduct Trading
- Berlin Second Regulated Market
Germany EUWX Euwax - EUWAX Stuttgart
Germany FRAA Boerse Frankfurt - Regulierter Markt Frankfurt
Germany FRAB Boerse Frankfurt - Freiverkehr Frankfurt
Germany GMTS Mts Deutschland Ag Frankfurt
Germany HAMA Boerse Hamburg - Regulierter Markt Hamburg
Germany HAMB Boerse Hamburg - Freiverkehr Hamburg
Germany HANA Boerse Hannover - Regulierter Markt Hannover
Germany HANB Boerse Hannover - Freiverkehr Hannover
Germany MUNA Boerse Muenchen - Regulierter Markt Muenchen
Germany MUNB Boerse Muenchen - Freiverkehr Muenchen
Germany PLUS Boerse Muenchen - Freiverkher - Plus - Europe Muenchen
Germany STUA Boerse Stuttgart - Regulierter Markt Stuttgart
Germany STUB Boerse Stuttgart - Freiverkehr Stuttgart
Germany XBER Boerse Berlin Berlin
Germany XDUS Boerse Duesseldorf Duesseldorf
Germany XEEE European Energy Exchange Ag Frankfurt
Germany XEQT Boerse Berlin Equiduct Trading Berlin
Germany XETA Xetra - Regulierter Markt - XETRA Frankfurt
Germany XETB Xetra - Freiverkehr - XETRA Frankfurt
Germany XETC Xetra International Market - Regulated Market Frankfurt
Germany XETD Xetra International Market - Open Market Frankfurt
Germany XETI Xetra International Market Frankfurt
Germany XETR Xetra - XETRA Frankfurt
Germany XEUB Eurex Bonds Frankfurt
Germany XEUP Eurex Repo Gmbh Frankfurt
Germany XEUR Eurex Deutschland Frankfurt
Germany XFRA Deutsche Boerse Ag Frankfurt
Germany XGAT Tradegate Exchange - Freiverkehr Berlin
Germany XGRM Tradegate Exchange - Regulierter Markt Berlin
Germany XHAM Hanseatische Wertpapierboerse Hamburg Hamburg
Germany XHAN Niedersaechsische Boerse Zu Hannover Hannover
Germany XHCE Risk Management Exchange - RMX Hannover
Germany XINV Investro Frankfurt
Germany XMUN Boerse Muenchen Muenchen
Germany XNEW Newex - NEWEX Frankfurt
Germany XRTR Rtr (Reuters-Realtime-Daten) - RTR Frankfurt
Germany XSC1 Scoach Europa International Market 1 Frankfurt
Germany XSC2 Scoach Europa International Market 2 Frankfurt
Germany XSC3 Scoach Europa International Market 3 Frankfurt
Germany XSTU Boerse Stuttgart Stuttgart
Germany ZOBX Zobex - ZOBEX Berlin
Ghana XGHA Ghana Stock Exchange Accra
Greece ENAX Athens Exchange Alternative Market - ENAX Athens
Greece HDAT Electronic Secondary Securities Market (Hdat) - HDAT Athens
Greece HOTC Hellenic Exchange Otc Market Athens
Greece XADE Athens Exchange S.A. Derivatives Market - ATHEXD Athens
Greece XATH Athens Exchange S.A. Cash Market - ATHEXC Athens
Guatemala XGTG Bolsa De Valores Nacional Sa Guatemala
Guernsey, C.I. XCIE Channel Islands Stock Exchange - CISX St. Peter Port
Honduras XBCV Bolsa Centroamericana De Valores S.A. - BCV Tegucigalpa
Hong Kong EOTC E-Otc Hong Kong
Hong Kong HKME Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange - HKMEX Hong Kong
Hong Kong XCGS Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society Hong Kong
Hong Kong XGEM Hong Kong Growth Enterprises Market - HK GEM Hong Kong
Hong Kong XHKF Hong Kong Futures Exchange Ltd. - HKFE Hong Kong
Hong Kong XHKG Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Ltd - SEHK Hong Kong
Hong Kong XIHK Instinet Pacific Ltd Hong Kong
Hungary HUPX Hungarian Power Exchange - HUPX Budapest
Hungary QMTF Quote Mtf Budapest
Hungary XBUD Budapest Stock Exchange Budapest
Iceland ISEC First North Iceland Reykjavik
Iceland XICE Nasdaq Omx Iceland - ICEX Reykjavik
India ICXL Indian Commodity Exchange Ltd. Mumbai
India ISEX Inter-Connected Stock Exchange Of India Ltd - ISE Mumbai
India NBOT National Board Of Trade Limited I.M. Pradesh
India NMCE National Multi-Commodity Exchange Of India Ahmedabad
India OTCX Otc Exchange Of India - OTCEI Mumbai
India PXIL Power Exchange India Ltd. Mumbai
India XBAN Bangalore Stock Exchange Ltd Bangalore
India XBOM Mumbai Stock Exchange - MSE Mumbai
India XCAL Calcutta Stock Exchange Calcutta
India XDES Delhi Stock Exchange Delhi
India XIMC Multi Commodity Exchange Of India Ltd. - MCX Mumbai
India XMDS Madras Stock Exchange Madras
India XNCD National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd
India XNSE National Stock Exchange Of India - NSE Mumbai
Indonesia ICDX Indonesia Commodity And Derivatives Exchange Jakarta
Indonesia XBBJ Jakarta Futures Exchange
(Bursa Berjangka Jakarta) - BBJ
Indonesia XIDX Indonesia Stock Exchange - IDX Jakarta
Indonesia XJNB Jakarta Negotiated Board Jakarta
Iran XTEH Tehran Stock Exchange - TSE Tehran
Iraq XIQS Irak Stock Exchange - ISX Baghdad
Ireland XASM Irish Stock Exchange - Global Exchange Market - ASM Dublin
Ireland XCDE Baxter Financial Services Dublin
Ireland XDUB Irish Stock Exchange - Main Securities Market - ISE Dublin
Ireland XFNX Finex (New York And Dublin) - FINEX Dublin
Ireland XIEX Irish Stock Exchange
- Enterprise Securities Market - IEX
Ireland XPOS Posit - POSIT Dublin
Israel XTAE Tel Aviv Stock Exchange - TASE Tel Aviv
Italy BOND Bondvision Roma
Italy EMDR E-Mid - E-Mider Market Milano
Italy EMID E-Mid Milano
Italy ETFP Electronic Open-End Funds And Etc Market - ETFplus Milano
Italy ETLX Eurotlx Milano
Italy HMOD Hi-Mtf Order Driven Milano
Italy HMTF Hi-Mtf Milano
Italy MACX Mercato Alternativo Del Capitale - MAC Milano
Italy MIVX Market For Investment Vehicules - MIV Milano
Italy MOTX Electronic Bond Market - MOT Milano
Italy MTAA Electronic Share Market - MTA Milano
Italy MTSC Mts S.P.A. - MTS Italy Roma
Italy MTSM Mts Corporate Market - MTS Italy Roma
Italy SEDX Securitised Derivatives Market - SeDeX Milano
Italy SSOB Bond Vision Corporate Roma
Italy XAIM Aim Italia Milan
Italy XDMI Italian Derivatives Market - IDEM Milano
Italy XGME Gestore Mercato Elettrico - Italian Power Exchange - IPEX/GME Roma
Italy XMOT Extramot Milan
Italy XTLX Tlx Milano
Ivory Coast XBRV Bourse Regionale Des Valeurs Mobilieres - BRVM Abidjan
Jamaica XJAM Jamaica Stock Exchange Kingston
Japan CHIJ Chi-X Japan Tokyo
Japan CITX Citi Match Tokyo
Japan JASR Japancrossing Tokyo
Japan JATA Jasdaq Tachiaigai (Off-Floor Market) Tokyo
Japan KABU Kabu.Com Pts Tokyo
Japan SBIJ Japannext Pts Tokyo
Japan XFKA Fukuoka Stock Exchange Fukuoka
Japan XHER Nippon New Market - Hercules - HERCULES Osaka
Japan XIJP Instinet Japan Tokyo
Japan XJAS Jasdaq Securities Exchange - JASDAQ Tokyo
Japan XKAC Kansai Commodities Exchange - KANEX Osaka
Japan XNGO Nagoya Stock Exchange - NSE Nagoya
Japan XNKS Central Japan Commodities Exchange - C-COM Nagoya
Japan XOSE Osaka Securities Exchange - OSE Osaka
Japan XOSJ Osaka Securities Exchange J-Net - J-NET Osaka
Japan XSAP Sapporo Securities Exchange Sapporo
Japan XTAM Tokyo Aim Tokyo
Japan XTFF Tokyo Financial Exchange - TFX Tokyo
Japan XTK1 Tokyo Stock Exchange - Tostnet-1 Tokyo
Japan XTK2 Tokyo Stock Exchange - Tostnet-2 Tokyo
Japan XTKO Tokyo Grain Exchange - TGE Tokyo
Japan XTKS Tokyo Stock Exchange - TSE Tokyo
Japan XTKT Tokyo Commodity Exchange - TOCOM Tokyo
Jordan XAMM Amman Stock Exchange - ASE Amman
Kazakhstan XKAZ Kazakhstan Stock Exchange - KAZE Alma-Ata
Kenya XNAI Nairobi Stock Exchange Nairobi
Korea Republic XKFE Korea Exchange (Futures Market) - KRX FM Seoul
Korea Republic XKOS Korea Exchange (Kosdaq) - KOSDAQ Seoul
Korea Republic XKRX Korea Exchange (Stock Market) - KRX SM Seoul
Kuwait XKUW Kuwait Stock Exchange Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan XKSE Kyrgyz Stock Exchange - KSE Bishkek
Latvia FNLV First North Latvia Riga
Latvia XRIS Nasdaq Omx Riga Riga
Lebanon XBEY Bourse De Beyrouth - Beirut Stock Exchange - BSE Beirut
Libya XLSM Libyan Stock Market Tripoli
Lithuania BAPX Baltpool Vilnius
Lithuania FNLT First North Lithuania Vilnius
Lithuania NASB Nasdaq Omx Baltic Vilnius
Lithuania XLIT Nasdaq Omx Vilnius Vilnius
Luxembourg CCLX Finesti S.A. - CCLux Luxembourg
Luxembourg EMTF Euro Mtf Luxembourg
Luxembourg XLUX Luxembourg Stock Exchange Luxembourg
Luxembourg XVES Vestima+ Luxembourg
Macedonia XMAE Macedonian Stock Exchange Skopje
Madagascar XMDG Marche Interbancaire Des Devises M.I.D. Antananarivo
Malawi XMSW Malawi Stock Exchange Blantyre
Malaysia MESQ Ace Market Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia XKLS Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia XLFX Labuan International Financial Exchange - LFX Labuan
Malaysia XRBM Ringgit Bond Market - RBM Kuala Lumpur
Malta XMAL Malta Stock Exchange Valletta
Mauritius XMAU Stock Exchange Of Mauritius Ltd Port Louis
Mexico XEMD Mercado Mexicano De Derivados - MEXDER Mexico
Mexico XMEX Bolsa Mexicana De Valores (Mexican Stock Exchange) Mexico
Moldova Republic XMOL Moldova Stock Exchange Chisinau
Mongolia XULA Mongolian Stock Exchange Ulaan Baatar
Montenegro XMNX Montenegro Stock Exchange Montenegro
Morocco XCAS Casablanca Stock Exchange Casablanca
Mozambique XMAP Maputo Stock Exchange Maputo
Namibia XNAM Namibian Stock Exchange Windhoek
Nepal XNEP Nepal Stock Exchange Kathmandu
Netherlands ALXA Nyse Euronext - Alternext Amsterdam Amsterdam
Netherlands AMTS Mts Amsterdam N.V. Amsterdam
Netherlands CLMX Climex Utrecht
Netherlands ECXE European Climate Exchange Amsterdam
Netherlands NDEX European Energy Derivatives Exchange N.V. - ENDEX Amsterdam
Netherlands NLPX Apx Power Nl Amsterdam
Netherlands TNLA Nyse Euronext - Traded But Not Listed Amsterdam Amsterdam
Netherlands TOMX Tom, The Order Machine Amsterdam
Netherlands XAMS Nyse Euronext - Euronext Amsterdam Amsterdam
Netherlands XEUC Euronext Com, Commodities Futures And Options Amsterdam
Netherlands XEUE Euronext Eqf, Equities And Indices Derivatives Amsterdam
Netherlands XEUI Euronext Irf, Interest Rate Future And Options Amsterdam
Netherlands XHFT Nyse Arca Europe - NYSE Amsterdam
New Zealand NZFX New Zealand Futures & Options - NZFOX Auckland
New Zealand XNZE New Zealand Exchange Ltd - NZX Wellington
Nicaragua XMAN Bolsa De Valores De Nicaragua Managua
Nigeria XNSA Nigerian Stock Exchange Lagos
Norway FISH Fish Pool Asa Bergen
Norway FSHX Fishex Tromso
Norway ICAS Icap Energy As Bergen
Norway NORX Nord Pool Asa Oslo
Norway NOTC Norwegian Over The Counter Market - NOTC Oslo
Norway XIMA International Martime Exchange - IMAREX Oslo
Norway XOAM Oslo Bors Alternative Bond Market - ABM Oslo
Norway XOAS Oslo Axess Oslo
Norway XOSL Oslo Bors Asa Oslo
Oman XMUS Muscat Securities Market - MSM Muscat
Pakistan NCEL National Commodity Exchange Limited - NCEL Karachi
Pakistan XISL Islamabad Stock Exchange - ISE Islamabad
Pakistan XKAR Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited - KSE Karachi
Pakistan XLAH Lahore Stock Exchange - LSE Lahore
Palestinia XPAE Palestine Securities Exchange - PSE Nablus
Panama XPTY Bolsa De Valores De Panama, S.A. - BVP Panama
Papua New Guinea XPOM Port Moresby Stock Exchange Port Moresby
Paraguay XVPA Bolsa De Valores Y Productos De Asuncion Sa - BVPASA Asuncion
Peru XLIM Bolsa De Valores De Lima - BVL Lima
Philippines PDEX Philippine Dealing And Exchange Corp Makati City
Philippines XPHS Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. - PSE Pasig City
Poland CETO Bondspot S.A. Warsaw
Poland MTSP Mts Poland Warsaw
Poland PLPX Towarowa Gielda Energii S.A. (Polish Power Exchange) - TGE Warsaw
Poland RPWC Bondspot Securities Market Warsaw
Poland XNCO New Connect Warszawa
Poland XWAR Warsaw Stock Exchange - WSE Warsaw
Portugal ENXL Nyse Euronext - Easynext Lisbon Lisboa
Portugal MDIP Medip (Mts Portugal Sgmr, Sa) - MEDIP Lisboa
Portugal MFOX Nyse Euronext - Mercado De Futuros E Opçoes Lisboa
Portugal OMIP Operador De Mercado Iberico De Energia - Portugal - OMIP Lisboa
Portugal OPEX Pex-Private Exchange - OPEX Lisboa
Portugal WQXL Nyse Euronext - Market Without Quotations Lisbon Lisboa
Portugal XLIS Nyse Euronext - Euronext Lisbon Lisboa
Qatar DSMD Qatar Exchange - DSM Doha
Romania BMFM Derivatives Regulated Market - Bmfms - BMFMS Sibiu
Romania SBMF Spot Regulated Market - Bmfms Sibiu
Romania XBRM Romanian Commodities Exchange - BRM Bucharest
Romania XBSD Derivatives Regulated Market - Bvb - REGF Bucharest
Romania XBSE Spot Regulated Market - Bvb - REGS Bucharest
Romania XRAS Rasdaq - RASDAQ Bucharest
Romania XRPM Romanian Power Market Bucharest
Russia IXSP International Stock Exchange Saint-Petersbourg - IXSP Saint-Petersburg
Russia RPDX Moscow Energy Exchange Moscow
Russia RTSX Russian Trading System Stock Exchange - RTS Moscow
Russia SPIM Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (Spimex) Saint-Petersburg
Russia XAPI Regional Exchange Centre - Micex Far East - MICEX FAR EAST Vladivostok
Russia XMIC Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange - MICEX Moscow
Russia XMOS Moscow Stock Exchange - MSE Moscow
Russia XPET Saint Petersburg Exchange - SPBEX Saint-Petersburg
Russia XPIC Saint-Petersburg Currency Exchange - SPCEX Saint-Petersburg
Russia XROV Regional Exchange Centre - Micex South - MICEX SOUTH Rostov
Russia XRUS Internet Direct-Access Exchange - INDX Moscow
Russia XSAM Samara Currency Interbank Exchange - SCIEX Samara
Russia XSIB Siberian Exchange - SIMEX Novosibirsk
Russia XSIC Siberian Interbank Currency Exchange - SICEX Novosibirsk
Rwanda ROTC Rwanda Otc Market Kigali
Saint Kitts And Nevis XECS Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange - ECSE Basseterre
Saudi Arabia XSAU Saudi Stock Exchange Riyadh
Serbia XBEL Belgrade Stock Exchange Belgrade
Singapore CHIE Chi-East Singapore
Singapore JADX Joint Asian Derivatives Exchange Singapore
Singapore SMEX Singapore Mercantile Exchange Pte Ltd Singapore
Singapore XSCA Singapore Catalist Market Singapore
Singapore XSCE Singapore Commodity Exchange - SICOM Singapore
Singapore XSCL Singapore Central Limit Order Book International Singapore
Singapore XSES Singapore Exchange - SGX Singapore
Singapore XSIM Singapore Exchange Derivatives Clearing Limited - SGX-DT Singapore
Slovakia XBRA Bratislava Stock Exchange - BSSE Bratislava
Slovenia XLJU Ljubljana Stock Exchange (Official Market) Ljubljana
Slovenia XSOP Bsp Regional Energy Exchange - South Pool Ljubljana
South Africa ALTX Alternative Exchange - ALTX Johannesburg
South Africa XBES Bond Exchange Of South Africa - BESA Johannesburg
South Africa XJSE Jse Securities Exchange - JSE Johannesburg
South Africa XSAF South African Futures Exchange - SAFEX Johannesburg
South Africa XSFA South African Futures Exchange - Agricultural Market Division - SAFEX Johannesburg
South Africa YLDX Jse Yield-X Johannesburg
Spain MABX Mercado Alternativo Bursatil - MAB Madrid
Spain OMEL Operador De Mercado Iberico De Energia - Spain - OMEL Madrid
Spain SEND Send - Sistema Electronico De Negociacion De Deuda Madrid
Spain SMTS Mts Spain, S.A. Madrid
Spain XBAR Barcelona Stock Exchange Barcelona
Spain XBIL Bolsa De Valores De Bilbao Bilbao
Spain XDPA Cade - Mercado De Deuda Publica Anotada Madrid
Spain XDRF Aiaf - Mercado De Renta Fija Madrid
Spain XLAT Latibex Madrid
Spain XMAD Bolsa De Madrid Madrid
Spain XMCE Mercado Continuo Espanol - SIBE Madrid
Spain XMEF Meff Renta Fija - MEFF Barcelona
Spain XMRV Meff Renta Variable - MEFF Barcelona
Spain XNAF Sistema Espanol De Negociacion De Activos Financieros - SENAF Madrid
Spain XSRM Mercado De Futuros De Aceite De Oliva, S.A. - MFAO Jaen
Spain XVAL Bolsa De Valencia Valencia
Sri Lanka XCOL Colombo Stock Exchange Colombo
Sudan XKHA Khartoum Stock Exchange - KSE Khartoum
Swaziland XSWA Swaziland Stock Exchange - SSX Mbabane
Sweden BURG Burgundy Nordic Mtf Stockholm
Sweden FNSE First North Stockholm Stockholm
Sweden NASN Nasdaq Omx Derivatives Markets Stockholm
Sweden NMTF Nordic Mtf Stockholm
Sweden XNDX Nordic Derivatives Exchange - NDX Stockholm
Sweden XNGM Nordic Growth Market - NGM Stockholm
Sweden XNMR Nordic Mtf Reporting Stockholm
Sweden XOPV Omx Otc Publication Venue Stockholm
Sweden XSAT Aktietorget Stockholm
Sweden XSTO Omx Nordic Exchange Stockholm Ab Stockholm
Switzerland XBRN Berne Stock Exchange Berne
Switzerland XQMH Scoach Switzerland Zurich
Switzerland XSWX Swiss Exchange - SWX Zurich
Switzerland XVTX Six Swiss Exchange Ag Zurich
Syrian Arab Republic XDSE Damascus Securities Exchange Damascus
Taiwan ROCO Gretai Securities Market Taipei
Taiwan XTAF Taiwan Futures Exchange - TAIFEX Taipei
Taiwan XTAI Taiwan Stock Exchange - TSEC Taipei
Tanzania XDAR Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange Dar Es Salaam
Thailand AFET Agricultural Futures Exchange Of Thailand Bangkok
Thailand BEEX Bond Electronic Exchange Bangkok
Thailand TFEX Thailand Futures Exchange - TFEX Bangkok
Thailand XBKF Stock Exchange Of Thailand - Foreign Board - SET Bangkok
Thailand XBKK Stock Exchange Of Thailand - SET Bangkok
Trinidad And Tobago XTRN Trinidad And Tobago Stock Exchange - TTSE Port Of Spain
Tunisia XTUN Bourse De Tunis - BVMT Tunis
Turkey XIAB Istanbul Gold Exchange - IAB Istanbul
Turkey XIST Istanbul Stock Exchange - ISE Istanbul
Turkey XTUR Turkish Derivatives Exchange - TURKDEX Izmir
Uganda XUGA Uganda Securities Exchange - USE Kampala
Ukraine EESE East European Stock Exchange Kiev
Ukraine PFTS Pfts Stock Exchange - PFTS Kiev
Ukraine SEPE Stock Exchange Perspectiva Dnipropetrovsk
Ukraine UKEX Ukranian Exchange Kiev
Ukraine XDFB Joint-Stock Company “Stock Exchange Innex” Kiev
Ukraine XKHR Kharkov Commodity Exchange Kharkov
Ukraine XKIE Kiev Universal Exchange Kiev
Ukraine XKIS Kiev International Stock Exchange - KISE Kiev
Ukraine XODE Odessa Commodity Exchange Odessa
Ukraine XPRI Pridneprovsk Commodity Exchange Dnipropetrovsk
Ukraine XUAX Ukrainian Stock Exchange - UKRSE Kiev
Ukraine XUKR Ukrainian Universal Commodity Exchange Kiev
United Arab Emirates DGCX Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange Dmcc - DGCX Dubai
United Arab Emirates DIFX Nasdaq Dubai - DIFX Dubai
United Arab Emirates DUMX Dubai Mercantile Exchange Dubai
United Arab Emirates XADS Abu Dhabi Securities Market - ADSM Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates XDFM Dubai Financial Market - DFM Dubai
UK BAIK Baikal London
UK BALT The Baltic Exchange London
UK BATE Bats Europe London
UK BGCI Bgc Brokers Lp London
UK BLKX Blockcross London
UK BLNK Blink London
UK BLOX Blockmatch London
UK BOAT Markit Boat London
UK BOSC Bondscape London
UK BTEE Icap Electronic Broking (Europe) London
UK CAZE The Cazenove Mtf London
UK CCO2 Cantorco2e.Com Limited London
UK CHIX Chi-X Europe Limited. - CHI-X London
UK CMTS Eurocredit Mts London
UK CRDL Coredeal Mts London
UK CXRT Creditex Realtime London
UK EMTS Euromts - EMTS London
UK FAIR Cantor Spreadfair London
UK GEMX Gemma (Gilt Edged Market Makers’association) - GEMMA London
UK GFIA Gfi Group London
UK GFIC Gfi Creditmatch London
UK GFIF Gfi Forexmatch London
UK GFIM Gfi Marketmatch London
UK GFIN Gfi Energymatch London
UK ICAH Icap Shipping Tanker Derivatives Limited London
UK ICAP Icap Europe London
UK ICEN Icap Energy London
UK ICEU Intercontinental Exchange - Ice Futures Europe - ICE London
UK ICSE Icap Securities London
UK ICTQ Icap Truequote London
UK IMTS Mts Ireland London
UK KLEU Knight Link Europe London
UK KMTS Euromts Linkers Market London
UK LIQU Liquidnet Systems London
UK LMAE Lmax - Equities London
UK LMAF Lmax - Fx London
UK LMAO Lmax - Indices/Rates/Commodities London
UK LMAX Lmax London
UK LMTS Euroglobalmts London
UK LPPM London Platinum And Palladium Market - LPPM London
UK MAEL Marketaxess Europe Limited London
UK MFGL Mf Global Energy Mtf London
UK MTSA Mts Austrian Market London
UK MTSG Mts Greek Market London
UK MTSS Mts Swap Market London
UK MYTR Mytreasury London
UK N2EX N2ex London
UK NMTS New Euromts London
UK NURO Nasdaq Omx Europe London
UK NXEU Nx London
UK NYFX Euro-Millennium London
UK OILX Oilx London
UK PIEU Pipeline - Mtf London
UK QMTS Mts Quasi Government London
UK QWIX Q-Wixx Platform London
UK RMTS Mts Israel London
UK RTSL Reuters Transaction Services Limited - RTSL London
UK SECF Secfinex London
UK SGMX Sigma X Mtf London
UK SHAR Sharemark Aylesbury
UK SPEC Spectronlive London
UK SPRZ Spreadzero London
UK SWAP Swapstream London
UK TBEN Tullett Prebon Plc - Tullet Prebon Energy London
UK TBLA Tullett Prebon Plc - Tp Tradeblade London
UK TCDS Tradition Cds London
UK TFSG Tfs Green Screen London
UK TFSS Tfs Variance Swaps System London
UK TFSV Volbroker London
UK TMTS Eurobenchmark Tres. Bills London
UK TPCD Tullett Prebon Plc - Tp Creditdeal London
UK TPIE The Property Investment Exchange London
UK TPIM The Property Investment Market London
UK TPRE Tullett Prebon Plc - Tp Repo London
UK TREU Tradeweb Europe Limited London
UK TRQX Turquoise London
UK UBSX Ubs Mtf London
UK UKPX Apx Power Uk London
UK UMTS Mts Cedulas Market London
UK VEGA Vega-Chi London
UK VMTS Mts Slovenia London
UK WCLK Icap Wclk London
UK XALT Altex-Ats London
UK XCOR Icma London
UK XEDX Edx London Limited London
UK XGFI Gfi Basismatch London
UK XLBM London Bullion Market London
UK XLDN Nyse Euronext - Euronext London London
UK XLIF Nyse Euronext Liffe London
UK XLME London Metal Exchange - LME London
UK XLON London Stock Exchange - LSE London
UK XPLU Plus Markets London
UK XSMP Smartpool London
UK XSWB Swx Swiss Block London
UK XTPE Tullett Prebon Energytrade London
USA AMXO Nyse Amex Options - NYSE New York
USA AQUA Aqua Equities L.P. New York
USA ARCO Nyse Arca Options New York
USA ARCX Nyse Arca - NYSE New York
USA BARX Barclay's Ats New York
USA BATO Bats Exchange Options Market - BATS New York
USA BATS Bats Exchange - BATS New York
USA BATY Bats Y-Exchange, Inc. - BATS New York
USA BGCF Bgc Financial Inc New York
USA BIDS Bids Trading L.P. - BIDS New York
USA BLTD Bloomberg Tradebook Llc New York
USA BNDD Bonddesk Mill Valley
USA BTEC Icap Electronic Broking (Us) Jersey City
USA C2OX C2 Options Exchange Inc. Chicago
USA CAES Credit Suisse Aes Crossfinder New York
USA CBSX Cboe Stock Exchange - CBSX Chicago
USA CCFE Chicago Climate Futures Exchange Chicago
USA CSLP Credit Suisse Light Pool New York
USA EDGA Edga Exchange Jersey City
USA EDGX Edgx Exchange Jersey City
USA FCBT Chicago Board Of Trade (Floor) - CBOT (FLOOR) Chicago
USA FCME Chicago Mercantile Exchange (Floor) - CME (FLOOR) Chicago
USA FXAL Fxall New York
USA GLBX Cme Globex Chicago
USA GREE The Green Exchange Chicago
USA GTCO Getco Execution Services, Llc New York
USA HEGX Nadex Chicago
USA HSFX Hotspot Fx Jersey City
USA IBLX Instinet Blx New York
USA ICBX Instinet Cbx (Us) New York
USA ICEL Island Ecn Ltd, The New York
USA ICRO Instinet Vwap Cross New York
USA ICUS Ice Futures U.S. Inc - ICE New York
USA IEPA Intercontinental Exchange - ICE Atlanta
USA IIDX Instinet Idx New York
USA ITGI Itg - Posit Exchange New York
USA KNCM Knight Capital Markets Llc Jersey City
USA KNEM Knight Equity Markets Lp Jersey City
USA KNLI Knight Link Jersey City
USA KNMX Knight Match Ats Jersey City
USA LAFX Lavafx New York
USA LEVL Level Ats - LEVEL Boston
USA MSPL Ms Pool Ats New York
USA NODX Nodal Exchange Vienna
USA OOTC Otc Bulletin Board - Other Otc - OTCBB Washington
USA OTCB Otcqb Marketplace New York
USA OTCQ Otcqx New York
USA PINX Pink Sheets Llc (Nqb) New York
USA PIPE Pipeline New York
USA PSGM Pink Sheets Grey Market New York
USA SGMA Goldman Sach Mtf New York
USA THRD Third Market Corporation - eTHRD Chicago
USA TRWB Tradeweb Llc Jersey City
USA VTEX Vortex New York
USA XADF Finra Alternative Display Facility Washington/New York
USA XAQS Automated Equity Finance Markets - AQS New York
USA XASE Nyse Amex Equities - AMEX New York
USA XBOS Nasdaq Omx Bx - BSE Boston
USA XBOX Boston Options Exchange - BOX Boston
USA XBRT Brut Ecn - BRUT New York
USA XCBF Cboe Futures Exchange - CFE Chicago
USA XCBO Chicago Board Options Exchange - CBOE Chicago
USA XCBT Chicago Board Of Trade - CBOT Chicago
USA XCCX Chicago Climate Exchange, Inc - CCX Chicago
USA XCEC Commodities Exchange Center - COMEX New York
USA XCFF Cantor Financial Futures Exchange - CANTOR New York
USA XCHI Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc - CHX Chicago
USA XCIS National Stock Exchange Chicago
USA XCME Chicago Mercantile Exchange - CME Chicago
USA XCUR Currenex New York
USA XELX Elx New York
USA XFCI Financialcontent Indexes Foster City
USA XIMM International Monetary Market Chicago
USA XIOM Index And Options Market - IOM Chicago
USA XISA International Securities Exchange, Llc - Alternative Markets - ISE New York
USA XISE International Securities Exchange, Llc - Equities - ISE New York
USA XISX International Securities Exchange, Llc - ISE New York
USA XKBT Kansas City Board Of Trade - KCBT Kansas City
USA XMER Merchants' Exchange - ME Chicago
USA XMGE Minneapolis Grain Exchange - MGE Minneapolis
USA XNAS Nasdaq - NASDAQ New York
USA XNCM Nasdaq Capital Market New York
USA XNDQ Nasdaq Options Market New York
USA XNGS Nasdaq/Ngs (Global Select Market) - NGS New York
USA XNIM Nasdaq Intermarket New York
USA XNLI Nyse Liffe New York
USA XNMS Nasdaq/Nms (Global Market) New York
USA XNYE New York Mercantile Exchange - Otc Markets - NYMEX ECM New York
USA XNYL New York Mercantile Exchange - Energy Markets - NYMEX MTF LIMITED New York
USA XNYM New York Mercantile Exchange - NYMEX New York
USA XNYS New York Stock Exchange, Inc. - NYSE New York
USA XOCH Onechicago, Llc Chicago
USA XOTC Otc Bulletin Board - OTCBB Washington
USA XPBT Nasdaq Omx Futures Exchange - NFX Philadelphia
USA XPHL Nasdaq Omx Phlx - PHLX Philadelphia
USA XPHO Philadelphia Options Exchange Philadelphia
USA XPIN Ubs Pin Ats Stamford
USA XPOR Portal Washington
USA XWEE Weeden Ats Greenwich
Uruguay BVUR Bolsa Electronica De Valores Del Uruguay Montevideo
Uruguay XMNT Bolsa De Valores De Montevideo - BVMT Montevideo
Uzbekistan XCET Uzbek Commodity Exchange Tashkent
Uzbekistan XCUE Uzbekistan Republican Currency Exchange Tashkent
Uzbekistan XKCE Khorezm Interregion Commodity Exchange Tashkent
Uzbekistan XSTE Republican Stock Exchange - UZSE Tashkent
Uzbekistan XUNI Universal Broker's Exchange 'Tashkent' Tashkent
Vanuatu GXMA Gx Marketcenter Vila
Venezuela BVCA Bolsa Electronica De Valores De Caracas Caracas
Venezuela XCAR Bolsa De Valores De Caracas Caracas
Vietnam HSTC Hanoi Stock Exchange - Hanoi STC Hanoi
Vietnam XHNX Hanoi Stock Exchange (Unlisted Public Company Trading Platform) - UPCOM Hanoi
Vietnam XSTC Hochiminh Stock Exchange Ho Chi Minh City
Zambia XLUS Lusaka Stock Exchange Lusaka
Zimbabwe XZIM Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Harare

Important Note!

It is possible, that stock market symbols will change in the future; some will be removed and new will be added. If you will find any discrepancy in the data, please be so kind and inform us about it and we will do our best to update the data as soon as possible. You can also check the official ISO 10383 Standard website for updates.

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