NVIDIA Corp (NVDA) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
NVIDIA Corp. provides great graphic card solutions and we provide important information, chart, news, and analysis to trade NVDA stock successfully.
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Mon, 26 Mar 2012 - By Godmode-Trader.de
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About NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA)
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Having been one of the first to realize the potential of computer graphics, NVIDIA Corporation launched itself into this market by introducing the Graphic Processing Unit, or the GPU as it is commonly known. Since then this has been the leading segment of the company and it specializes in products which could be classified as being GeForce, discrete or chipset. These not only support desktop and notebook computers but are also compatible with several memory and storage options.
Anyone who is in possession of a GPU can utilize it to perform a whole range of functions from enjoying games to indulging in professional designs. Thus if it is an enthusiastic gamer then he can create an imaginative world of his own, if it is a designer then he can use the program to design anything from a hairpin to a cruise liner and if it is an engineer then he can use it for performing any number of computations.
Through its PSB segment, NVIDIA offers its professional range of products like Quadro Workstation, graphics and Tesla computing products which are used in sectors like manufacturing, entertainment, science, aerospace and medicine owing to its high-performing capabilities. Likewise under the CPB segment one can expect to find Tegra mobile products and licenses for gaming control. These are compatible with a variety of gadgets ranging from smartphones and personal media devices to tablets, personal media players and Internet television.
Percentage of this organization's clientele who are system builders utilize its core processors to design solutions while the manufacturing clientele use it for production of their goods.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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