Foreign Currency Rates Forecasts
Forecasts about near future foreign currency rates is among most wanted and needed content and any serious investor or advisor will bookmark this page.
Foreign Currency Rates Forecast Center
We would like to give you few directions about how to read the chart. You can see 2-year time frame for selected currency pair plotted on the chart; white background is signalizing the actual foreign currency rate movement in the latest 18 months, while on the light blue background you can find about 6-months forecast. Next to the strong wide orange line you will notice two thin light orange lines, which are representing some kind of channel. There is 80% chance the forecast value will be within this channel, whereby this margin of error is based on prior forecast performance.
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All forecasts are provided AS IS, and we (, as well FFC disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Understand the Importance of Financial Forecasting
When it comes to trading or investing, your mind should click from present to future. The reason for that is that all publicly known information is already priced in stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, and other financial instruments. When you buy a stock for example, you are not buying what the company has already achieved, you are investing in what you believe the company will achieve in next few years. This is difficult to understand this for some newbie's to stock market investing, because they are mainly focused on past. They for example claim that Nokia is a good company and its stocks are worth buying; they build their confidence on past company's results and brand name, rather than to research its future prospects in this highly compatible niche, where Apple, Samsung and other strong international players are taking control. Remember, you should always focus on future!
There is only one problem with the future - it is unpredictable! If we could predict the future 100% than investing in stocks would be fairly easy, but this isn't the case. That is why anybody involved in stock and other financial markets is trying to predict the future (also foreign currency rates) with the highest possible probability. Some rely on fundamental analysis, other on technical analysis, some trust intermarket analysis the most, you name it. Methods and models for forecasting the future are different and they are not equally successful, they might even work well in one period of economic cycle while they show no results in other times. One of the most respectable, independent, objective and accurate companies dealing with forecasting's in the world of finance is Financial Forecast Center, LLC, located in Houston, Texas, USA. They have been producing and publishing economic and financial market forecasts exclusively online for almost 15 years now, since 1997 to be more specific.

All forecasts by Financial Forecast Center are generated using artificial intelligence. The forecast models are 100% quantitative and use a global, long-range economic dataset. Thus, the forecasts are very objective. And because the company has no ties to other financial companies or institutions, their products and services are completely independent. Independency is something that might sound normal to you, but this is not so obvious in financial industry, where some of the players are just looking to earn their own dollar, regardless of methods they use. FFC is specialized in forecasting anything related to money: investments, loans, finance, economics and employment. Among their most popular forecasts are Euro Currency Exchange Rate Forecast, Crude Oil Price Forecast, Gold Price Forecast, Home Mortgage Interest Rate Forecast, US 10 Year Treasury Yield Forecast, and S&P 500 Stock Index Forecast. When it comes to forecasting foreign currency rates, they cover Yen to US Dollar, Euro to US Dollar, British Pound to USD, Swiss Franc to USD, Canadian Dollar to USD, Australian Dollar to USD, and Mexican Peso to USD.
We have generally accepted FFC allowances to use their content and reproduced materials, which you can use as support in trading or investing decision making process. We have slightly changed the presentation of data in tables and charts, to make it a bit easier to read for investing purposes. While FFC is providing numbers for both 50% and 80% probability of outcome, we use only the latest (fifty fifty doesn't help you much when taking investing decision, does it?). We have also recalculated the plus and minus ranges into foreign currency rates future possible range value borders so that it is more clearly where you can expect one or another currency pair to trend. Hopefully you will like this data presentation customization. If you, don't forget to share, like, tweet, comment.
Written by: Goran Dolenc
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