Bank of America Stock (BAC) - Buy or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More
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Tue, 10 Apr 2012 - By
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About Bank of America (BAC)
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Counted as one of the 'Big Four' banks of USA, Bank of America is a financial organization which takes pride in serving all kinds of investors irrespective of their size, nature of business and affiliation. As a bank holding company, it offers many banking and non-banking products and services under six major categories namely deposits, home loans and insurance, global card services, global commercial banking, global banking and markets and global wealth investment and management.
Many of the bank's actions are inspired by its rich heritage and are aimed towards the accomplishment of continued growth and enduring prosperity. To this effect the bank has always believed in serving communities around the globe via its various banking and non-banking subsidiaries and ensuring a stable financial atmosphere. Apart from a range of banking and investing functions, this bank also offers services pertaining to asset and risk management to its clients. The bank's reputation as regards wealth management and investment banking particularly surged into prominence after it acquired Merrill Lynch in 2008.
From its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, Bank of America boasts of one of the broadest client bases in the world which is inclusive of a majority of Fortune 500 and Fortune Global 500 companies. Other than American business houses, it has maintained a strong presence in more than 150 countries more than 40 of which are non-US. Ranging from credit cards to banking services, insurance, mortgage loans and private equity, Bank of America forms an integral part of life for more than 80% of the American population.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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