Amgen Inc (AMGN) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Analysis, Strategies, Discussions, and More
Amgen Inc is involved in biotechnological medicine, which is a high volatile industry. Find here Important information for investors in this stock.
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About Amgen (AMGN)
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Being one of the first to realize the potential of biotechnology as a field, Amgen launched itself into the task of discovering, exploring and expanding its horizons in the unremitting quest for safe and effective medicines. Ranked amongst one of the Fortune 500 companies today, the main focus of this company has been developing therapeutics towards the cure of life threatening illnesses like cancer, bone disease, kidney disease and arthritis.
By using the advancement in recombinant DNA technology as also in molecular biology, Amgen has launched a product line comprising of names like Aranesp and Epogen, both of which are stimulants for RBC production in the body. Medicines like Neulasta and Neupogen are meant for stimulating the WBC count and thus empower the body to ward off infections while Enbrel has been designed to tackle the body's response towards inflammatory diseases.
Apart from manufacturing and marketing products, this company is involved in developmental research as well especially in crucial health related fields like oncology, neurology, cardio, bone and nephrology functions. Thanks to this effort, the company is credited with being future oriented apart from being the largest employer and the largest independent biotech firm in the world.
Although it has always been protective of its sovereignty, with the passage of years Amgen has entered into collaborative partnerships with other pharmaceutical giants, Pfizer, Glaxo SmithKline and Takeda being a few in the list. While the main customer base of the company includes individual doctors, health clinics, hospitals and pharmacies, it also enjoys a vast global dealer network for successful dispensing of its medicines worldwide.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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