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Wed, 21 Mar 2012 - By
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About American Express Inc (AXP)
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Enjoying the status of a multinational corporation, American Express Company or AmEx as it is popularly known all over the world offers financial, insurance and travel services to its global clients. Its operations could be categorized broadly into four types of services namely US Card, International Card, Global Commercial and Global Network and Merchant. Visible in form of credit card, charge card and traveler's checks, the products of this company account for the largest fraction of the total credit card transactions occurring in the country thus contributing the maximum in terms of total dollar volume.
One of the reasons why American Express Company shot into popularity is because its credit card model differs from the typical business model which is the norm with other companies. Usually there are three parties involved in a credit card transaction namely the acquiring bank, the issuing bank and the network but in case of Amex all three roles are played by the same organization thus causing the entire discount also to remain within the set-up. These are then circulated amongst customers in form of substantial reward programs and through provision of a superior customer service.
The list of products offered by the American Express Company commences with its consumer cards, which are by far the most popular in form of Green, Gold and Platinum the world over. Other lesser known cards are ExpressPay, business credit cards from American Express OPEN, commercial cards and non-proprietary cards. This company is also the largest issuer of traveler checks in the world which are convenience personified as they can be used in any of its locations worldwide. Another well known non-card product of this company is Shearson which is meant to facilitate financial banking.
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Written by: Goran Dolenc
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